Update: We're now using Glue to host Pingly's blog and you can use your own custom domain with Glue too. A while back we moved our
Recently we pulled our open notification feature on Pingly. This feature allowed you to see when an email you sent through Pingly
Last month we released a new method of sending email through Pingly with our new outbound SMTP server. Now you can use any email c
One of our most popular feature requests, email aliases and catch-all addresses, are now live on Pingly. We recently updated the o
The death of email has been reported frequently over the years, but the truth is: Email will never die, it is invincible. Like HTT
In light of recent news of other email providers mining your emails (for things such as your purchase history), we wanted to make
One of the biggest feature requests has been multi-account support for Pingly. Well we heard you loud and clear and today we're ex
Brand new logo with more cowbell and a UI refresh so can you enjoy using email again. Along with a new logo, we've also pushed a r
Our brand new iOS app is now available! The new app has been completely re-built and re-designed from the ground up... Our goal wa
Quick and simple tutorial on adding a Changelog to your website ⚡️ We recently added a Changelog to keep our users informed of new
There are two things every business needs: a website and an email address. Even if you don't do any online sales or are a one-off
Introducing the new Pingly.com The new Pingly for Teams integrates email and team chat into a single unified experience. Imagine c
Welcome to Pingly's new blog on Glue! 👋 Check back here for updates and announcements. Looking forward to sharing our product an
Hello Glue! 👋